About Us

Deiruk Ltd, is a company registered in Papua New Guinea in 2015. The company provides consulting services in the field of human resource management, organizational development, institutional strengthening, change management, and strategic management to a variety of clients including small and medium-sized enterprises, state-owned entities, and private and faith-based organizations.

The Lead Consultant, Mr Dean Kuri is an experienced manager at senior executive management positions in various successful companies across a cross-section of industries such as hospitality, banking and finance, professional services, food manufacturing, primary industries, and transport (aviation).

Deiruk is building on this wide range of experience to provide relevant and affordable business solutions to clients.

Dean Kuri
MD and Lead Consultant

Deiruk is the endorsed Channel Partner for the Balanced Scorecard Institute in PNG

Balance Scorecard Institute, a Strategy Management Group company Cary - NC Washington DC - San Jose, CA

"We are partners, looking to build a better
tomorrow through Sustained Excellence
in People and Organizational


Our mission

To build smart people and successful organisations for a better tomorrow.

Our vision

A Strategic Partner for Organisational and Institutional Excellence.

Core Values

  • Honest and Transparent
  • Service Excellence
  • Respect & Courteous
  • Flexible & Evolving
  • Partner for ‘win-win’ outcomes
  • Leaders in the field


Anti-discriminatory Position

Deiruk recognizes the importance of the need for a safer, fair and non-discriminatory work environment including associated stigma and discriminatory consequences.

Deiruk promotes and encourages an anti-discriminatory and fair approach exists in the workplace. Discrimination based areas such as Gender, HIV/AIDS, religion, individual sexual orientation or preferences, differences in ethnical and cultural background in the workplace, is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Deiruk is committed to ensuring strict compliance to all laws, regulations and treaties (GEDSI), on discrimination.

Deiruk is committed to ensure working conditions, including health and safety, are in conformance with the ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and other labour and workplace contracting concerns


Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy

We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.

We have ‘Zero tolerance’ on bribery and corruption in any form or shape and will not allow this unethical practice to prevail in DEIRUK LTD.

Any employee of DEIRUK including Management staff that seeks, accepts, or gives an inappropriate or illegal bribe including “facilitation” payment, kickback or other improper or illegal payments will face disciplinary action which may include summary dismissal, and even referral to the Police for further investigation and prosecution.


We are Honest and Transparent in all business transactions and accountable in all our decisions. Good business ethics is vital for the long-term sustainable success of our partnerships.

Honest & Transparent
Service Excellence

We define excellent service as being - “Fast, Accurate, Relevant, Affordable and Consistent (FARAC) ”. These key areas defines an characterizes our service philosophy which makes good business sense and adds value for our clients.

Respect & Equality

We uphold and respect the rights and dignity of every individuals and every well-meaning organisations to exist and be given every opportunity to excel at what they do and to fulfil their purpose for being. We expect the same treatment from our clients and other stakeholders.

We are continuously developing and improving our own skills and knowledge. This is important as it ensures our partners are getting advise that is both accurate and relevant to today's competitive business environment.

Flexible & Evolving
Partners for "Win-Win" Outcomes
Leaders in Speciality

We seek firstly to develop partnerships with our clients, get an understanding of their business challenges including major thrusts of their strategies, and then work with them to find practical and cost effective business solutions. We aim for solutions that are beneficial and sustainable for our clients for the long term.

We are leaders in the professional discipline of Human Resources Management, Organisational Development, Change Management, and Strategic Management Advisory services. We aim to be famous for what we do.